Lesson 8 - giovedì 2 dicembre 2010

City of blinding lights - U2 (you can find the lyrics and the video in the section "Musica" under "Canzoni")

New English File Advanced - Oxford University Press - Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig

Es. 1 p. 157
1D - 2B - 3C - 4F - 5E - 6A
Es. 2 p. 157
1) post
2) profession
3) career
4) salary
5) wages
6) bonus
7) perks
8) staff - employees
9) employer
10) staff
11) training
12) qualifications
13) skills
14) hours
15) timetable
Es. 3 p. 157
1) charge - deal - responsible - off
2) team - opportunity - prospects - promoted
3) rise - temporary - short-term - security
4) sacked - run - part-time
5) redundant - out - voluntary - unpaid - experience

Es. 3d p. 6: look at the pictures, read the article and comment 
Es. 3e p. 7: listen and answer the questions
Es. 3f p. 7: listen and answer the questions
Es. 4a p. 7: match the two halves
1D - 2A - 3E - 4F - 5C - 6B
Es. 4d p. 7: explain the differences
1) A challenging job tests your abilities and energies in a positive way; a demanding job tests the same things but has negative connotations
2) Wages is the money paid weekly to do a job; salary is the money paid monthly or annually to do a job
3) Career refers to the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work and it also refers to the period of your life that you spend working; profession usually refers in a general sense to jobs that require special training or qualifications
4) Skills are particular abilities required in a job; qualifications usually refer to the exams passed
5) Being sacked (or fired) means being made to leave your job because you did it badly; being made redundant means losing your job because a company no longer has work available for you
6) Getting a rise means being paid more than before; getting promoted means being given a higher post in the company
7) Good prospects are good possibilities of future promotion; good opportunities are good chances to do something interesting in your job
8) Being out of work means you don't have a job or you have lost the one you had; being off work indicates a temporary absence because of illness or if you are having a baby
Es. 6a p. 7: write a short paragraph about a job you would love to do and a  job you would hate to do; do the questionnaire on p. 9 and find out your personality type on p. 116; es. 1d p. 8

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